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Parallel Worlds pro et contra

When is our mind born? After all, we don't remember our birth. And what happened before that, when we were formed in our mother's body? What is the beginning of our appearance in this world? After all, when a man and a woman performed a ritual and a sperm came together with an egg, we began. Two met and sent two to meet. Then a thought appeared and following the rule of logic gave birth to the mind. Entangled pairs of particles fly apart to incredible distances and maintain an instantaneous connection, overthrowing all the complex laws of the universe. Alas, we wish for a miracle when we doubt it, but we live in it because it is a reality. The book consists of two volumes: "Parallel Worlds One: Fire and Flame" and "Parallel Worlds Two: The Birth of God"

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Рубрики: Научная фантастика, Приключения: прочее, Современные детективы

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