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The Marchese’s Love-Child

Mills & Boon proudly presents THE COLLECTION. Sara’s powerful and passionate romances have captivated and thrilled readers all over the world for five decades making her an international bestseller.THE MARCHESE’S LOVE-CHILDValessi’s son and heirWhen Alessandro Valessi discovers the existence of his love-child, he has every intention of thrusting himself back into Polly Fairfax's life. But Polly is determinedly going it alone – the one thing she doesn't want or need in her life is her son's father, especially after the arrogant, aristocratic Italian hurt her so badly. But Alessandro leaves Polly no choice, for he intends to fight her for custody of their little boy.

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Рубрики: Современная зарубежная литература, Современные любовные романы

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Ещё несколько книг Sara Craven

  • Sara Craven, King Of Swords
  • Sara Craven, His Forbidden Bride
  • Sara Craven, Wife in the Shadows
  • Sara Craven, When The Devil Drives
  • Sara Craven, Thunder On The Reef
  • Sara Craven, The Garden Of Dreams
  • Sara Craven, Inherited by Her Enemy
  • Sara Craven, The Virgin's Wedding Night
  • Sara Craven, The Innocent's One-Night Confession
  • Sara Craven, The Highest Stakes of All

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