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If Only Forever

"35 year old Emily Mitchell has fled her job, apartment and ex-boyfriend in New York City for her father's historic, abandoned home on the coast of Maine, needing a change in her life and determined to make it a B&B. She had never expected, though, that her relationship with its caretaker, Daniel, would turn her life on its head.

Emily is still reeling from Daniel’s proposal. As all seems to finally fall into place in her life, she looks forward to an exciting engagement year ahead, from shopping for a venue and a wedding dress, to creating her invite list, to setting a date.

But all does not goes as planned. The endless events of the engagement year add more stress than joy, putting pressure on their relationship as they are forced to make hard choices. Adjusting to life as parents doesn’t make it any easier, as Chantelle runs into problems at school and as a custody battle looms over them. As Christmas and New Years approach, the stress is only compounded.

Meanwhile, as the B&B adds new guests and staff and as they find more priceless antiques, Emily discovers a shocking secret that just may bring her one step closer to finding her father.

Will she and Daniel get married? Or will the stress of the engagement break them apart forever?"

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Рубрики: Зарубежные любовные романы, Современные любовные романы

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Ещё несколько книг этого автора

  • Sophie Love, Für Immer mit Dir
  • Sophie Love, Pour Toujours et A Jamais
  • Sophie Love, Eine Liebe in Paris
  • Sophie Love, Sempre Con Te
  • Sophie Love, Agora e Para Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Natale per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Ora e per sempre
  • Sophie Love, Para Todo o Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Per Te, per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Para Sempre, com Você
  • Sophie Love, Wenn es Doch Nur Für Immer Wäre
  • Sophie Love, Weihnachten Für Immer
  • Sophie Love, Se Solo per Sempre
  • Sophie Love, Pour L’Eternite, Plus Un
  • Sophie Love, Una Amore Cosi’ Grande
  • Sophie Love, Pour L’éternité, et un Jour
  • Sophie Love, Italienische Nächte
  • Sophie Love, Für Immer und Noch Ein Tag
  • Sophie Love, Un Amore come il Nostro
  • Sophie Love, Eine Liebe im Schnee

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