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Olaf and Friends…

Dmitrii Pastushenkov, Yulia Solodovnikova

Once upon a time, a young elf named Olaf lived in the forest and wanted to find pine trees for the masts of his ship. Along the way, he met new friends who joined Olaf in his journey to faraway lands. This is a story of a voyage, of adventures, and of friendship. The story teaches the reader how to face problems as something temporary that one can overcome, that random events can always move us forward, and that it is easier to overcome small fears if you are not alone but sometimes you have to be on your own to solve the larger ones. There is magic all around us – we just need to try to see it. In this story, a child can find many interesting

 Dmitrii Pastushenkov, Yulia Solodovnikova, Olaf and Friends… — скачать в fb2, txt, epub или pdf

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Детские книги
Домашние животные
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